May 8Liked by Callan O’Neill

You really shouldn’t microwave frozen chicken nuggets. Might I suggest an air fryer?

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May 8Liked by Callan O’Neill

Good gorl no have air fryer

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May 8Liked by Callan O’Neill

the way i SHOT up in bed when i got this notif— what a treat! what a drawer! loved the playlist (the japanese house is literally heaven) & blessed to be #featured!!! i forgive u for stealing paul from me, if only for the incentive for me to come play in new york and nab it from your shelf 🫶🫶🫶 exquisite my dear cant wait for the next edition!!!

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May 23Liked by Callan O’Neill

“reminds me that I still like what I’ve always liked”

Yes yes yes!! Forever chasing this feeling that you so perfectly put into words. Happened with “The Buzz” by Hermitude recently via liked songs. It’s a comforting feeling to reassure yourself you still (italics) like what you’ve always (italics) liked, no matter how we change or who we become.

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May 11Liked by Callan O’Neill

love love love!!!

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May 8Liked by Callan O’Neill

Lorde would be shaking in her synth pop go-go boots if she knew about the #feature she just got

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May 8Liked by Callan O’Neill

And also more search history. Love

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May 8Liked by Callan O’Neill

Subscribing for more celeb sightings!!!!!!!!!

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